A Classic PenRei Moment

by PenRei

Scene from an outsider’s perspective

PenRei walks through the prop and costume area of the studio. She bumps into her friend Josie and they exchange the following conversation.

PenRei: Hey!

Josie: Hey! You didn’t dress up today (in French: Tu ne t’es pas habillée).

PenRei looks down at what she’s wearing then looks back up at Josée.

PenRei: No, I guess I didn’t.

They both continue towards their separate destinations.

Scene within PenRei’s head

PenRei walks through the prop and costume area, barely awake as she grumbles in her head about waking up early for work. Josie walks in.

PenRei: Hey!

Josie: Hey! You didn’t get dressed today (in French: “Tu ne t’es pas habillée” can mean both “not dressing up” and “not getting dressed”).

PenRei goes into panic mode. She wonders if she’s even awake or if she’s still dreaming. She’s wondering: “If this is a dream, than as soon as I look down at myself, I’ll be naked. But this is still embarrassing.I also don’t usually have naked work or school dreams. I really hope I’m wearing clothes when I look down.” PenRei looks down and sees that she is wearing clothes. Unsure of what Josie was talking about, PenRei looks up, confused.

PenRei: No, I guess I didn’t.

PenRei leaves the prop area and walks towards the bathroom. She keeps asking herself what Josie meant, since she was clearly dressed. As she examines herself in the mirror (still only barely awake) to make sure that she is IN FACT wearing clothes, her eyes wander to a poster on the wall. The poster indicates that today is the Halloween work party.

PenRei is now convinced that she is awake and understands what Josie meant: PenRei was not wearing a costume.

PenRei (to herself): I really need to sleep.

Homer and Marge hiding

Homer and Marge hiding while naked.

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